Card Shark is also about cheating at card games, and these tips will help players pull off these cons.
Card Shark is a hard game to explain. At the very core of it, players are a rogue. They are following the footsteps of a great schemer, Comte de Saint-Germain. All of his master’s tricks involve cards in some fashion. This is not a typical card-based RPG though.
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Throughout the campaign, players will learn various card games such as Poker and Three Card Monte along with ways to cheat in them. It’s not so much a video game as it is a lesson on how to swindle people. Card Shark is certainly unique in this manner and there is a lot to learn. Hopefully, the following tips should help make the journey into France’s shady past a bit easier.
Card Shark can be an intimidating puzzle game. Thankfully, there are three difficulty settings players can switch between whenever they want. This does disable achievements though if that is something players care about. The settings range from easy to hard on the game’s terms. There are also two assist-like features to help those who are extra struggling.
Players can turn on a hint system to give them context clues for the various mini-games. If players lose a mission and then restart it, the game will ask if they want to skip it instead. Both of these assist-like features should open up Card Shark to more types of gamers.
The most complicated thing about Card Shark is also one of its best qualities. This isn’t just about cheating players at poker, but there are a lot more card games and games of chance involved. For example, one can bet on the result of a coin toss. Through practice, players can manipulate which way the coin falls. It doesn’t require a trick coin either, just precise timing. The variety then is what makes Card Shark special.
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Mini-games like that are simple to memorize, however, there are some that involve a lot more work. Cheating is the thing that gets complex between bending cards, shuffling the deck properly, or peaking at an opponent’s hand while pouring wine. Players can pause the menu for a refresher on basic rules but not everything is written down. That’s why it is advised to either write down manual notes of the rules as they are explained during missions. Keep that phone handy nearby.
There is another trick players can pull when it comes to taking notes on rules. All modern consoles have some sort of native capture technique built into the system. The resolution may be minimal on the Switch, for example, but it can take screenshots at a reasonably rapid pace. The nature of Card Shark lends itself perfectly to this hybrid console which is why it is the recommended platform over PCs.
One of the earliest ways players will cheat is by pouring wine. This will allow them to look at the opponent’s cards. Players then have to signal to the Comte what suit is in the opponent’s hand the most via swiping a certain direction on the table. Taking a picture while players are pouring will allow them to concentrate on the wine. Trying to both pour and look at the hand at the same time can be difficult otherwise. Then, when it comes time to signal the suit, pause the game, back out to the home menu, and then take a look at that screenshot. This may sound like a cheap trick, but Card Shark is a game about cheating so it fits.
Players should head back to the roaming village as often as possible. Once a mission is complete, for example, is a great time. Talk to The Magician and he will tell players how much cash the Comte wants to be donated to the camp. Players can shortage themselves, The Magician, or the Comte. All forms will lead down different paths in the game.
However, for first-time players, it is recommended to play by the rules. Divide money evenly between the three parties, and if anyone is to get shortchanged, it should be the player. The only thing players have to make sure of is if they have enough money for all available minimal bets on the world map. If they don’t, that could spell trouble.
Each mission has a short story before, during, and after the game. It usually involves the Comte explaining the situation to the player and then being a charming guest at the card games. Most of the story is told from his perspective then as the player character is mute. All they can do is make funny faces which is a good form of comedy for a video game.
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However, the main character is not devoid of his own thoughts. He can read and write. Players may not be aware of this but after every mission, the main character will write down what happened in his journal. Hearing his summary of the past situation may give players some extra context clues as to what really went down. If players don’t care about the story, don’t worry about the journal. It’s as simple as that. However, those that are interested should check it out. The doodles inside are also great, lending to the already nice scenery in this artful indie game.
The best piece of advice to hammer into players is that they should practice. The Comte will give players an opportunity to practice as much as they want after he explains a new rule before a mission. Some players may learn better through trial and error through the game’s campaign. That is a fine strategy except for the part where they lose money.
The game is always saving which means players can’t back out if they performed poorly. When that money is gone, it stays gone. The aforementioned difficulty levels and assist-like features will help players out as well. That’s only if players wish to “cheat” in Card Shark. For those that want to get fully immersed, practice until the rules become second nature. There’s no other way to say it.
Card Sharkwas released on June 2, 2022 and is available on PC and Switch.
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Tristan Jurkovich began his career as a journalist in 2011. His childhood love of video games and writing fuel his passion for archiving this great medium’s history. He dabbles in every genre, but he’s particularly fond of RPGs and portable consoles. Aside from writing, Tristan also produces a plethora of videos on his YouTube Channel, ReActionExaminer. Check it out!