By Christian Hoffer - September 16, 2022 07:02 am EDT
Critical Role ended last week's episode on a heck of a cliffhanger, and the cast of the show were forced to pick up the pieces last night. The current Critical Role campaign follows the Bell's Hells, a group of adventurers investigating a vast conspiracy involving the haunted moon of Ruidus. The campaign is paying off on some long-teased threads of lore and adventure hooks, but it also seems to be the most dangerous story to date. After a stunning cliffhanger last week, thousands of Critical Role fans turned on last night's episode hoping to discover the fate of their favorite characters.
Spoilers follow for Critical Role Campaign 3, and in particular Episode 33 and Episode 34. If you have not watched the episode and do not want to be spoiled, please exit this article at once.
Last week's episode of Critical Role ended with Orym and Fearne dead after an intense confrontation with Otohan Thull, an experienced mercenary and the leader of Paragon's Call. Thull had ties to the vast conspiracy that Bell's Hells were investigating, and was particularly interested in Imogen, whose powers were tied to the haunted moon Ruidus. In an attempt to trigger Imogen's latent powers, Thull ripped through the party and attacked Laudna, bringing her one failed death save away from death. Imogen's powers triggered at the end of the episode, creating a blast of energy that seemingly leveled a part of Bassurus, the city where the confrontation took place.
After the surviving members of Bell's Hells were briefly trapped within their own memories, the episode opened with the party standing in the middle of a crater created by Imogen's powers. Otohan was nowhere to be seen, but Orym and Fearne were still dead and Laudna was still critically wounded. Due to the time restraints needed to successfully resurrect party members, the party was still in Combat Initiative with Laudna up first. Unfortunately, Marisha Ray failed Laudna's death saving throw at the top of the round by rolling a Natural 1. That increased the number of dead party members to three and made it certain that at least one character wasn't walking out of Bassurus alive.
Luckily, the automaton FCG was still standing and had a single Level 3 spell slot left to cast Revivify. After some brief debate as to whom his character should resurrect, FCG's player Sam Riegel chose to Revivify Fearne and barely succeeded on the Wisdom check needed to bring her back to life. With Fearne back on her proverbial feet (Fearne is a satyr and has hooves), the party had a choice to make – Fearne had the ability to cast another Revivify spell, but they had to decide between Orym and Laudna. The decision came down to a coin flip and Orym was selected as the recipient of the last resurrection spell. Fearne easily made the Wisdom check needed to bring Orym back to life, and Bell's Hells was left with only one dead party member.
While Marisha Ray had to leave the table due to the death of her character, it appears that the rest of the party is committed to bringing Laudna back. The party is preparing to return to Jrusar, where their patron Lord Eshteross has vowed to help gather resources for an attempted resurrection. However, there could be additional complications – Laudna is a Hollow One and doesn't technically have a soul. This could add an additional wrinkle to any attempted resurrection, especially since Laudna was serving as a vessel of sorts of Campaign 1 baddie Delilah Briarwood.
Critical Role airs every Thursday at 10 PM ET on its Twitch channel.
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